Pastu Green – ESG

As environmental consultancy firm, we are exploiting the development of innovative ecological friendly products and business solutions that decrease the environmental impact and use less resources. We are also now advising on internal and external corporate communications with a focus on ESG (environmental, social and governance) topic. This includes media training, interview preparation, conferences, public speaking, effective writing and persuasive writing.

Pastu Green – Exploitation of your eco innovation across Europe

We help to exploit your ecological innovative idea across Europe. Bringing your idea to the market can be a challenge and use a lot of resources. Crossing the death of valley and chasm is the crucial step to introduce your innovation to the market on a long run. One of our most recent exploitation activities is co-funded by the EU: see the page of BIOCHAR-LIFE-EU

Pastu Consult – EU fund experts

We are experts in several EU funding programmes and have submitted more than 100 European projects over the last decade. We will continue offering the service for selected clients with positive ESG values and attitude. In particular from the area of transportation and environment. If you consider our support, we offer a free introduction and identification session for a potential EU funding programm. Please send us an outline about your project idea. We will offer you a free slot in one of our virtual meeting rooms. Send an email to europe(at)